
This is the house you are looking for, right door.


Local Maps of Greencastle and Inishowen


below you find  a map of Greencastle and where to find Malin Pebbles

below that       a map of Inishowen    and where to find Greencastle

below tnat       a map of Ireland       and where to find Inishowen


Greencastle area map























If you arrive in Greencastle by ferry coming from the Antrim coast in Northern Ireland: Leave the ferry car park turning left towards Moville. Turn the next right (uphill, Church Brae). Go a further 100m up, it is the house directly below the net factory. It is a semidetached house - right hand side of it - Malin Pebbles.

If you are coming by car from the Moville side the easiest descriprtion would be: Go to the ferry terminal, turn in the car park, then follow the above instructions.







Map of the Inishowen Peninsula and most of Co. Donegal























Coming from the southern parts of Ireland you can either: go to Derry directly and proceed to Moville and Greencastle. Or, if you are travelling along the marvellous Donegal west coast, you can take the Rathmullen - Buncrana ferry across Lough Swilly (don't miss the local crafts shop at Buncrana pier!) and proceed to Moville and Greencastle.

Coming from Northern Ireland, either go directly to Londonderry and then towards Moville, or, travelling along the coast, cross Lough Foyle on the Magilligan - Greencastle ferry.







Map showing Inishowen and most of Ireland























This is just to give you an idea of the general direction: north, north, north. But not Northern Ireland - Inishowen in Co. Donegal is part of the Republic of Ireland.

Map of Greencastle (Yahoo!)
Map of Inishowen and Co. Donegal
Map of Ireland
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